Unexpected Free Time

I was headed to my annual physical in the city when I noticed a voicemail from my doctor’s office. My appointment is cancelled because my doctor is sick today. I guess doctors get sick too. Or maybe she needs a mental illness day. Either way, I hope she feels better soon. Since I’ve been fasting since yesterday, I decided to stop at the local breakfast depot for some food. I am “hangry” and need coffee now. I really enjoy this breakfast hotspot with all the regulars and people just passing by. The wait staff is sassy, snappy and funny too. 

My life is managed by a schedule; every moment of it. This unexpected free time leaves me feeling like I should immediately fill the void with some important task on my long list of things to do. I will do my best to relax and enjoy the side of bacon coming to my spot at the counter in a few moments. I will also do my best to appreciate this unexpected free time; to appreciate all that God has blessed me with.

Yesterday, a dear friend celebrated a wonderful accomplishment. Here’s what she wrote to me this morning . Thanks for walking through earthen darkness and helping me find dazzling light 😘 love you. “The purpose of Benedictine spirituality is to gather equally committed adults for a journey through earthen darkness to the dazzling light that already flames in each of us, but in a hidden place left to each of us to find.” ~Joan Chittister. Everyday seems to be a life in fast forward. When I slowed down to marinate on her note, I think there may be some good within me after all. I also need to appreciate unexpected free time more often. 

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